This information assumes that you are currently running version 12.0 or higher.
1) Find where your current COBRA Administration Manager is located.
a) From your Desktop, right click on your COBRA
Administration Manager shortcut and choose "Properties" from the menu list.
b) From the "Shortcut" tab, find the "Target" location and write it down (e.g. C:\COBRA).
c) Click the "Cancel" button to close the information
2) Copy the COBRA Administration Manager folder
(e.g. COBRA, COBRA2K, COBRA Administration Manager)
to the new computer.
a) Open Windows Explorer by right clicking on the
Windows "Start" button and choosing "Explore" from the menu options.
b) Navigate to the folder location of your COBRA
Administration Manager (from step 1).
c) Copy the COBRA Administration Manager folder by
right clicking on the COBRA Administration Manager folder and choosing
"Copy" from the menu options.
d) Put the folder on the new computer.
i) If both computers are connected through a network connection. Navigate through "Network Neighborhood" to the desired computer and location
and then right click and "Paste" the folder to its new location.
ii) If a network is not available, copy the folder to an external storage device and
take it to the new computer. Repeat step (2a) and move the folder from
your storage device to your new computer. Then right click and "Paste" the
folder to its new location.
3) Create a shortcut to your COBRA
Administration Manager Application.
a) While in Windows Explorer, open the new COBRA
Administration Manager folder and find the "COBRA.EXE" application.
b) Right click on the file and choose "Send To" from
the menu options. Choose "Desktop (create shortcut)" from the sub-menu
c) Close Windows Explorer and return to your desktop
to find your new COBRA Administration Manager shortcut.
4) Start the COBRA Administration Manager by
using your newly created shortcut.
a) Double click on the new shortcut located on your
At this point the COBRA Administration Manager should
start with all your existing data.
If you receive an error after attempting to start the COBRA Administration Manager stating you are missing
a file called "DFINFO32.OCX" or some other "OCX" or "DLL", you will need to
download and install the Windows System Files.
1) Download and install Windows system files.
a) Click on the following link or enter it into your
Internet Browser's Address bar.
b) When asked if you would like to run or save the
file, click the "Save" button.
c) From the "Save as" dialog box, click on the icon
for your "Desktop" and then click the "Save" button.
d) Wait until the download has finished.
2) Run the file called "CSI_Software_System_Files_Install.exe" by
double clicking the new shortcut found on your desktop to complete the
a) Follow the instructions of the InstallShield Wizard to complete the install of the necessary system files.
Once the installation is complete you can begin using
the COBRA Administration Manager software.
Installing the software's program files to a server or other networked drive is basically the same as a typical install with the exception of changing the install directory to the network rather than the local PC.
The following steps will help you complete the install.
1) Run the install by inserting the COBRA
Administration Manger Disk into the CD-ROM drive and select "Install COBRA
Administration Manger."
2) Follow the instructions of the InstallShield Wizard to complete the install, remembering to change the path of the destination
Once the install has been completed, be sure that any user that needs access to the COBRA Administration Manager
has full control of the directory to which you installed the program. You can find this information under the
security tab of the folders properties.
If you are currently storing the COBRA Administration Manager and its data on a local workstation, simply move the
COBRA Administration Managers' folder to the desired location on the network and redirect your short-cut to point to
the new location on the network.
1) Create a shortcut to your COBRA Administration Manager folder.
a) In Windows Explorer, open the COBRA
Administration Manager folder and find the "COBRA.EXE" application.
b) Right click on the file and choose "Send To" from
the menu options. Choose "Desktop (create shortcut)" from the sub-menu
c) Close Windows Explorer and return to your desktop
to find your new COBRA Administration Manager shortcut.
2) Start the COBRA Administration Manager by
using your newly created shortcut.
a) Double click on the new shortcut located on your
You should now be able to run the COBRA Administration Manager
and view all the existing data.
If you receive an error after attempting to start the COBRA Administration Manager stating you are missing
a file called "DFINFO32.OCX" or some other "OCX" or "DLL", you will need to
download and install the Windows System Files.
1) Download and install Windows system files.
a) Click on the following link or enter it into your
Internet Browser's Address bar.
b) When asked if you would like to run or save the
file, click the "Save" button.
c) From the "Save as" dialog box, click on the icon
for your "Desktop" and then click the "Save" button.
d) Wait until the download has finished.
2) Run the file called "CSI_Software_System_Files_Install.exe" by
double clicking the new shortcut found on your desktop to complete the
a) Follow the instructions of the InstallShield Wizard to complete the install of the necessary system files.
Once the installation is complete you can begin using
the COBRA Administration Manager software.
1) Start the COBRA Administration Manager.
2) Choose the ‘File’ menu option.
3) Select the ‘Update Software via Internet’
4) Choose the type of Internet connection you
5) Click the ‘Next’
6) Wait for the
files to be downloaded and then click ‘Next’ to proceed.
7) If any Notifications where downloaded you
can review them now or click ‘Next’ to choose which notifications to replace.
8) Select the letters you would like to
replace and then click ‘Next’ to continue.
Congratulations! You are
finished. Click ‘Finish’ to re-start the COBRA Administration Manager Program.
Optionally, you can update your software by
downloading an install program from our website (not recommended).
If you need access to the install file, please contact COBRA Solutions
tech support.
The easiest way to backup the entire program and your data is to copy the entire directory. Please follow the instructions below to backup your files.
Backup Instructions:
Right click on the “COBRA Administration Manager” Icon on your desktop
Choose “Properties”
Click the “Find Target” button
Click "Edit" from the menu options
Select "Select All"
Click "Edit" from the menu options again
Select "Copy To Folder"
Select "My Documents" (or you may choose a different directory or folder)
Click the "New Folder" button
Call the folder "COBRA Backup" and press "Enter" on your keyboard
Click "OK" to backup your file
Your data has been successfully backed up.
Use this application to update the COBRA Administration Manager via HTTPS
Please read these instruction in its entirety.
- Find the application folder that the COBRA Administration Manager is installed too.
- From your Desktop, right click on your COBRA Administration Manager shortcut and choose "Properties" from the menu list.
- From the "Shortcut" tab, find the "Target" location and write it down (e.g. C:\COBRA).
- Click the "Find Target" button or the "Open File Location"button and then minimize File Explorer.
- Download and save the file to the COBRA Administration Manager application folder. (Found in step 1)
- Extract the new file to the COBRA Administration Manager application folder.
- Return to the folder you found in step 1 (The COBRA Aministration Manager application folder).
- Find the file that you downloaded from our website. The file name is,
- Unzip the file directly into the COBRA Administration Manager application folder and overwrite all old files.
- Create a shorcut to the new CAMSERVAPP.EXE and place it on your desktop. (Optional)
- Right-click on the CAMSERVAPP.EXE file.
- Select, Send to.
- Select. Desktop (Create Shortcut)
- Run the application using the new Desktop Shotcut or double-click on the CAMSERVAPP.EXE application and then follow the instructions.
Download Now!
Download a printable document for Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Download Manual Now
This file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If your system is unable to view this file you can download it
Use this application to update the Cafeteria Plan Manager via HTTPS
Please read these instruction in its entirety.
- Find the application folder that the Cafeteria Plan Manager is installed too.
- From your Desktop, right click on your Cafeteria Plan Manager shortcut and choose "Properties" from the menu list.
- From the "Shortcut" tab, find the "Target" location and write it down (e.g. C:\CAFEPLAN).
- Click the "Find Target" button or the "Open File Location" button and then minimize File Explorer.
- Download and save the file to the Cafeteria Plan Manager application folder. (Found in step 1)
- Extract the new file to the Cafeteria Plan Manager application folder.
- Return to the folder you found in step 1 (The Cafeteria Plan Manager application folder).
- Find the file that you downloaded from our website. The
file name is,
- Unzip the file directly into the Cafeteria Plan Manager application folder and overwrite all old files.
- Create a shorcut to the new CPMSERVAPP.EXE and place it on your desktop. (Optional)
- Right-click on the CPMSERVAPP.EXE file.
- Select, Send to.
- Select. Desktop (Create Shortcut)
- Run the application using the Desktop Shotcut or by double-click on the CPMSERVAPP.EXE file and then follow the instructions.
Download Now